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Twilight's Eve ORPG v1.14 Public Beta

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Twilight's Eve ORPG v1.14 Public Beta
[ · Скачать (7,42 Мб) ] 11.11.2009, 21:32
Жанр: ORPG
Язык: Английский
Кол-во игроков:2-12
Размер: 7,42 Мб
v1.14 Public Beta Changelog
1) Added Terrain Fog.
2) Re-adjusted bridges and renamed the Arcane Observatory to City of New Lights.
3) Added more villagers in the City of New Lights and made them wander around automatically.
4) City of New Lights building is now invulnerable.
5) Did a minor adjustment to the Unknown Regions and the path between Espenia and the City of New Lights.
6) Revamped the whole Forbidden Forest and Bandit Camp.
7) Added more murlocs and a new path to the Forbidden Forest.
8) Removed Scout Towers and Arrow Towers at the borders of Cities.
9) Added three new questmasters: Squeaky, Kiba and Kain.
10) Added in many new quests.
11) Added a new Impossible Dungeon.
12) The Hell Dungeon is now changed, and its size reduced.
13) The locations of Jim, Delia and the Raven are now changed.
14) Limit Break can no longer target allies.
15) Strafe is now fixed. At level 5, it hits 7 enemies.
16) Eagle Eye and Tooth of Belial now shows the correct item description.
17) Super Restoration and Super Clarity Potions have increased effects, but at a higher price.
18) Bethrezen's Flame mana cost is now halved.
19) Fixed the Ice Trolls trying to attack players outside the dungeon.
20) Optimized coding to save space and for faster speeds.
21) Life and Mana Essences now give a % recovery of health/mana, but has a slightly increased price to compensate.
22) Fixed the spamming that happens whenever someone loads a char with infinite pots by removing the character itself.
23) Extended the "Experience Disabled" Region in the Market Region of the City of New Lights.
24) You can now no longer load the game through the normal Warcraft III methods. Use -save/-load instead.
25) If you lose in PvP, your life and mana is now set to 5% of your maximum life/mana.
26) Typing -kill in the loot area also removes all items in your loot area.
27) Fate and Tooth of Belial are now more stronger. The Patriarch critical is nerfed a little.
28) Fate's Plasma Zanber Breaker now deals AoE damage and knockback.
29) Fixed the Rite of Passage bug and the RoP Countdown timer bug.
30) Improved the Loading Screen's clarity.
31) The Rite of Passage Countdown Timer duration is now decreased to 1 minute.
32) Arctic Freeze now has a bigger AoE of 600, slows movement and attack speeds, and deals more damage.
33) Armageddon is now revamped, has reduced cast range, and has reduced manacost. Cooldown is also reduced drastically.
34) Assassinate is now revamped - it deals universal damage based on [Agility x Assassinate Level] divided by 2. However, it has no effect in PvP.
35) Asura Strike now has an increased cooldown of 80.
36) Backstab now has a cooldown of 2, and its damage is increased to 1000 per level.
37) Boreas now has an increased cooldown of 10, but its damage is increased to 900 per level. Also, it now deals chaos damage.
38) Dark Psystrike now has a shorter cooldown.
39) Defiance now grants 10 armor bonus per level.
40) Enchanted Arrows now grants a whopping 400 damage bonus per level, but manacost has increased significantly as well.
41) Final Group Style now has a shorter cooldown and higher Area of Effect, but reduced damage per second.
42) Lightning Avenger now hits 12 targets instead of 6.
43) Decreased cooldown and increased damage of Lightning Storm, but decreased cast range to compensate.
44) Phantom Edge now has decreased cooldown but higher manacost.
45) Power Overwhelming now has increased damage bonus and duration, but has an extremely high level requirement.
46) Power Slam now has reduced cooldown and slightly increased damage.
47) Resurrection now no longer reduces manacost at Level 21+, but instead increases it. However, base cooldown is decreased.
48) Retribution now deals chaos damage and inflicts more damage, but requires more mana.
49) Rosary Basilica now has increases hit points per level by 150 and has a slightly reduced cooldown.
50) Sanctus now heals more hit points, up to 12,000 hit points at level 30.
51) Smite now has a slightly reduced cooldown.
52) Tornado now deals higher damage, larger range and area of effect, and has a shorter cooldown.
53) Twilight's Eve now increases damage per level by 100,000, up to an insane 500,000 damage at level 5. However, manacost has also been steadily increased and power shard consumption also increases with every level.
54) Feral Rage cooldown has been decreased by 15 seconds.
55) Fortitude now increases Ignored Damage by 150 per level, up to 4500.
56) Liturgy of the Word now has increased manacost.
57) Regeneration now has a shorter cooldown and heals for more hit points. Casting time is reduced as well.
58) The Druid Class can now type -out to exit dungeons even in Animal Form. However, they cannot save or interact with their job masters when in Animal Form. However, they can now shapeshift into the wolf or the bear at will, without worrying about duration or cooldown.
59) Snipe's manacost, required level, and cooldown are highly increased, but cast range is improved slightly. However, it is now revamped into a stronger skill that deals damage based on [Snipe Damage X Multiplier]. For every 1% hit point the target has lost, one multiplier is added.
60) Sacrifice is now revamped - it deals damage equal to 20% of the target's current hit points, but it cannot be used if the target's hit points is below 50%.
61) Decreased Taunt's duration, cooldown and Area of Effect per level and increased manacost, but Taunt now forces all enemies to attack the caster, without exception. If they try to attack another unit instead of the caster, they will be forced to attack the caster instead. It has very little effect on normal Players though.
62) 36 Strikes of the Heavens has been improved to deal initial damage + 1 more damage per mana point the target has lost, in universal damage. However, the damage cannot exceed more than 400,000.
63) The skills of the ArchDruid, Shapeshifter, and Runemaster (excluding Werewolf/Werebear) now have higher max levels.
64) Updated the Quest logs of the all the Class Information, so that the information isn't outdated.
65) The Druid Class no longer has to max out their skills in the specific line if they want to advance to 3rd Job.
66) The Werewolf and Werebear (and all of its variants) are now significantly improved. The Runic variants are improved the most.
67) Because of the drastic increment of hit points, mana, damage, armor, and attack speed of the Runic Werewolf/Werebear, the level requirement is also increased drastically, to ensure better balancing.
68) Avenger's base armor has been increased.
69) Feral Rage has increased cooldown and level requirement but also has higher attack and lifesteal values.
70) You should now be able to obtain the Limit Break skill regardless of whether you are in Animal Form or True Form.
71) Fixed the Night Elves occasionally appearing in the city.
72) Enemy units can now enter through dimensional gates as well.
73) Countdown timer when you die is now reduced to 60 seconds.
74) There is now a death penalty whenever you die. However, this only applies if you're above level 100, and it doesn't apply to the Acolyte Class. The higher your level, the higher the death penalty.
75) Added the -dps command, which activates the Damage Per Second Calculator. Hitting any unit twice will display your dps, but it should be noted that the values are not infinite.
76) -Revive now pauses your hero for 80 seconds, due to the decrease in revival time.
77) Fixed the bug where the Prophetess' Lex Divina skill can make the stash vulnerable.
78) You can now save an unlimited number of times. However, Potions will still get removed once you save.
79) 4th Job Advancement now requires you to be level 150 instead of 120.
80) Blade Shield's blades now deals 2500 damage instead of 1000.
81) Dark ArchTemplar and Grand Templar now have increased base damage.
82) The Grand Templar's Psionic Surge and Psionic Destruction have now been revamped.
83) The White Wizard's skills are now revamped, and Cruel Ruin now has increased damage and shorter cooldown.
84) Fixed an exploit where you could shoot at The One without getting hit.
85) Increased the wave damage of the 4th Boss of the Illusion City.
86) Fanaticism now grants a 3% attack speed boost per level instead of 2%, boosting the efficiency of his auras.
87) Eviscerate now grants a 3.8x damage multiplier instead of 3.5x.
88) Master Evasion now adds 3% chance at levels 21 and above.
89) Fixed the exploit where you could use the bot and gain control of the Dark Green/Brown colours.
90) Doomsday's shield now has a reduced duration. Doomsday's AoE stun now has a shorter stun duration but increased damage.
91) Illusion City's 2nd Boss's roar spell now increases damage by 3x and defense by 1200.
92) Arthas's stun skill now has a shorter cooldown.
93) Cripple is now changed to have a longer duration, but lesser effect.
94) The Rite of Passage now spawns 11 monsters instead of 9, and are now classified as "Bosses", instead of Neutral Hostiles.
95) Ensnare's cooldown is now increased dramatically and duration decreased to 1 second.
96) You no longer take periodic damage when you're doing the Hell Dungeon.
97) "Anti-Infinite Potion" System now activates every 20 seconds instead of 5 seconds.
98) Changed the models of the Prophetess and Cleric Classes.
99) Banshees no longer sleep, since they hunt at night.
100) The 2nd Job Changers are now invulnerable.
Категория: RPG | Добавил: tibr
Просмотров: 12061 | Загрузок: 2041 | Комментарии: 2 | Рейтинг: 3.8/4 |
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