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Warlock 093

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Warlock 093
[ ] 02.02.2010, 14:46
Название карты: Warlock
# Автор карты: Zymoran and Demestotenes
# Жанр: Hero Arena, Mini-Game
# Версия: 093
# Язык: Английский
# Кол-во игроков: 2-12
# Поддержка компьютера: Нет
# Размер: 64x64
# Ландшафт: Dungeon

Новая версия неплохой карты в двойной категории Hero Arena/Mini-Game, с обновлениями и дополнениями от 01 февраля 2010 года. Двенадцать игроков одновременно могут играть на этой карте. Все игроки находятся на небольшой арене в центре карты, герои у всех одинаковые. Цель - вытолкнуть за пределы арены, на лаву или кислоту всех, ну или как можно больше противников.

Changelog 093

--- New ----

- Added 3 new pillar settings (total 9 available)
- Remade special terrain to native terrain types
- Remade mechanics of splitter (target mode)
- Remade rush
- Updated the command list in info
- Lava Treads now displays an integer on the boots icon when they are ready
- Added new spell: Gravity toggle "Force Field"
- Added a new cooldown UI. It is now much easier to see when spells are on cooldown or not.
- Walls added to the CTE as 'experimental' (not compatible with all spells yet).
- Visual effect of homing explosion size on self collision now matches the level of AoE mastery.

--- Fixes ---

- Fixed a fatal bug causing deathmatch mode terrain to become lava (no platform)
- Fixed a potentially fatal bug causing the terrain system to pick an unlisted terrain type.
- Fixed a major exploit allowing players to deal unlimited fireball damage
- Fixed a major bug causing players to gain 2 kills per kill in most game modes
- Fixed tooltips on Lava Treads, Staff of Fireball, Weaken, toggle buttons, Fire Spray, Time Shift, Rush
- Fixed a major bug causing avatar to keep his hitpoint buff if 12 players are playing.
- Fixed a bug causing Lava Treads not to be re-purchasable (or causing players not to be able to purchase certain items after selling Lava Treads).
- Fixed a bug causing Avatar to get 10 seconds lava resistance when using Lava Treads regardless of their level
- Fixed a bug causing Staff of Fireball not to get benefit from range mastery

--- Balances ---

- Wind Walk (Invisibility) now has a speed boost (half the speed boost of Wind Walk (Charge)).
- Lightning-fireball combo has been nerfed to 2/3 of the damage. The knockback is unchanged.
- Homing 'instant AoE damage' has been removed
- Homing AoE on self collision has been slightly improved

- Lava Treads rebalanced

--- Miscellaneous ---

- Reverted many icons. This is an attempt to remove all .blp JPEG palettes to make Warlock compatible with Mac. (The Mac compability project is not finished. We need some Mac user testers)
- Re-scaled the 'force' scale used on gravity. It has no gameplay impact.

Категория: Arena (Арена) | Добавил: Admin
Просмотров: 3397 | Загрузок: 939 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 2.0/1 |
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1   [Материал]
Good map! This very fun!Happy New Year!

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