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Twisted Destiny v8

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Twisted Destiny v8
[ · Скачать (84.45 mb) ] 29.07.2022, 17:45

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With Paimon as the Hero's guide...

An epic crossovers from different universe...

Team up to stop the Burning Legion from the invasion

Genre: Role Playing (RPG)
Landscape: Ruins of Dalaran
Author: Je Pi Ri
Volume: 84.45 MB
Area: 148x148
Number of players: 1-4

32 known warriors from different universes fights against Kil'jaeden's infinite armies as they battle their way for survival, supremacy and honor to bring balance to the entire galaxy.

32 heroes including heroes from various popular console and mobile games such as Tekken, King of Fighters, Final Fantasy, God of War, League of Legends, DOTA, Starcraft, Heroes of the Storm, Megaman, Mobile Legends and many more as they team up to defeat the Burning Legion Commander Kil'jaeden and his alliances starting with Zymeth from the Battle Realms, the Lord of Lotus Clan and Orochi from Orochi Warriors, The Serpent Lord. This epic multiverse war is the beginning of the new age of war of the universes.

2 Game Modes (Adventure Mode and PVP Mode)
32 Playable Heroes from Console and mobile games such as God of War, League of Legends, King of Fighters, DOTA 2, HOTS and many more!
Over 40 unique items within the game that's based on DOTA, League of Legends and Mobile Legends!
With an On and Off Voice lines command for even an intense gameplay!
Iconic background battle theme music from their original BGM!
Eye-candy special effects and battle cry voice lines in a real time epic battle!
Powerful bosses, deadly traps, defend the base and killer maze awaits you in Adventure mode!
Unbelievable designs and effects of every hero's skills!
Choose your role wisely; Be the Tank, Assassin, Fighter, Mage, Marksman or Support as you will do any build in order to survive!
Категория: RPG | Добавил: papanikeilee | Автор: Twisted Destiny v8
Просмотров: 1683 | Загрузок: 728 | Рейтинг: 5.0/2 |
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