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Jungle Trolls Reborn 4.6

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Jungle Trolls Reborn 4.6
[ · Скачать () ] 04.02.2012, 15:08
Авторы: gadina_prokleta
Тип: RPG, Survival
Версия: 4.6 от 31.01.12
Язык: Английский
Игроков: Max
Площадь: 192x192 / 180x180
Ландшафт: Деревня

Довольно неплохая Survival карта. Игроки делятся между собой на три клана по четыре человека, вы играете за троллей и ваша задача только выживать, по ходу уничтожая другие кланы. Вы также можете охотиться и строить поселения. Карта к сожалению на английском и придётся немного разобраться в управлении прежде чем начать играть, но она того стоит.
Изменения 4.6

* gameplay
- mining rebalanced: quantity of Stone mined from Rocks and Flint mined from Hard Rocks increased by 50% (there will be gathered 1-5 resources per drop instead of 1-3);
- mining pick is now level 1 (so now it can be used by Shaman);
- warrior's Tactics skill now requires 10 energy to use (reduced from 15);
- trollish towers are now able to use a shaman's staff as a ranged weapon (but not wands nor spell books);
- major update: random animal spawn
- all ground and amphibious beasts spawn at random locations; the beast type depends on location and chance (stronger bests will be spawned more rarely, except for some special locations like caves etc.);
- for the most beasts there is a 10% chance to spawn as cubs, so a lucky Hunter could tame them;
- breeding limits removed; breeding chance for wild beasts will depend now on the count of currently playing players + the breeding rating of the animal species (rabbits are still the best :P );
- Mask of Life will now give +25 health in addition to its other benefits;
- wands and staves now give +10% chance for the wearer to score a power attack (spell critical);
* shiny stuff
- taunts are being automatically triggered upon melee attacking an enemy troll (25% chance); the faster you attack, the more insults will the troll probably say to his opponent :)
- new icons for the dual maces and axes (by Blizzard and CRAZYRUSSIAN); Troll Hut and Tents icons were replaced by other Warcraft 3 icons;
- in order to make the game look more like an ancient Troll Jungle, all wolves (except the Boss) have been replaced by Kuhneghetz's Sabre-tooth Cats. In comparison to wolves the cats have:
- 25% less health;
+ 25 % melee attack evasion;
- do not have the canine detection of stealthed units;
+ they can become stealthed themselves, prowling in the Jungle at 50% movement speed; the chance of a cat to play stealthy is rolled every 10 sec and depending on age it is 50% / 33% / 25% (kittens / adults / old);
- Rats overhaul:
- Rats now breed instead of just spawning (in the way Frogs breed); when aging they become Mangy Rat with increased damage and health and double chance to inflict Plague upon attacking;
- young Rats now can be tamed or zombified by Voodoo Revival (at the cost of 1 meat and 2 Voodoo Scriptures if no other animal's skin is there, the Shaman creates a Rotten Rat);
- alligators now lay eggs which can be "tamed"; alligator hatchlings have now more health and cannot be tamed;
* achievement system
- trolls will now have an additional menu available by ability, showing all troll achievements and professions: Alchemist, Cook, Fishermon, Miner, Beast Master and Trapper (hunter), Destroyer and Tactician (warrior), Master of Puppets and The Chosen One (shaman), Sapper (inventor), Ballistics and Merchandise (the whole tribe);
- achievement Miner improved to match the improved gathering of stone and flint;
- for the achievement Sapper the Inventor gains a small amount of XP upon use of any explosives + the XP taken when Remote Mines and Bombs are killing enemies; Sapper now gives better suppression for Remote Mines (5 sec);
- the ability showing an achievement can be used to give information about the progress to the next level of the skill;
* bugfixes
- fixed the annoying "famous trader" message;
- fixed some tooltips and keyboard shortcuts;
- ensnare traps now correctly contribute to the "Master Trapper" achievement by 1/4 of the XP of the creature caught;
- hunter's Hawk doesn't lose selection anymore when swooping on an enemy beyond his carrying strength;
- fixed the bug with non-upgrading towers;
- some more leaks have been found by Leak Check 3.1 and removed.
Категория: RPG | Добавил: mrBatel_KILL
Просмотров: 1589 | Загрузок: 386 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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