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Gaias Retaliation ORPG v1.1k

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Gaias Retaliation ORPG v1.1k
[ · Скачать (7.25 Mb) ] 22.02.2012, 00:28

Авторы: Todeszwiebel, teh.fellow, muzzel
Версия: 1.1k от 16.02.12
Язык: Английский
Игроков: 1-8
Площадь: 224x256 / 212x248
Ландшафт: Город

Изменения 1.1k
- new chat command: -savehd now saves your hero code to your hard disc
- Fixed a bug that caused Divine Fist dealing 'hidden' double damage when applying the debuff to the target
- Fixed a bug that made enemies dealing only 1 damage when scoring a critical hit
- Spell damage now varies between +/-10% instead of +/-20%
- new environment system: environment art effects are now bound to camera position, not hero position
- Fixed a bug that allowed resetting D3 from the inside
- Summon skeleton and skeleton mage can not be used on hero corpses anymore
- Plane Shift disable duration reduced to 3 seconds
- some other very minor fixes
- Fixed tooltip of Hammer of Wielding
- Fixed a bug that made Sorcerer class to have pet buttons although no pet was summoned
- Servant of Nature is now smaller on high levels
- Changed pet behaviour script to allow Nymph to perform better in healing the group
- Proc effect art now gets removed as soon as you attack without the proc effect being able to be called anymore (i.e. when unequipping an item)
- Nymph now is a permanent pet that replaces the Servant of Nature when summoned
- Stat gain of bards adjusted (less INT, more STR and AGI)
- Servant of Nature, Skeleton and Skeleton Mages now scale by the sum of all Hero Stats instead of hero level
- Dryad and Efreet now scale by hero level
Категория: RPG | Добавил: mrBatel_KILL
Просмотров: 862 | Загрузок: 247 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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